Yoga2yog – literally means : Attaining divinity through the practice of yoga.

As the name suggests here at Yoga2yog, we encourage you to build a healthy body for without the strength of the body the spiritual aspect can’t be attained. For only a healthy body can lead to a healthy mind.

Yoga has become increasingly popular in recent years – and is practiced by millions of people all over the world. Though, it should also be pointed out that yoga is in fact so much more than just a keep-fit regime. Yoga does indeed enhance general wellbeing, including health and relaxation, but in traditional yoga philosophy things like this are simply a means to an end.

The end or real purpose of yoga is not just fitness, beauty or strength or to do due amazing physical feats; the real purpose of yoga is one thing and one thing only – illumination of the Divine Spark within us all, which in Hindu philosophy is termed the atman(soul) or purusha (cosmic man). The word yoga literally means “union”, implying union with the Divine. Through yoga we “unwrap” the Divinity within, thereby allowing our true spiritual natures to shine forth.

Yoga2yog deals in all types of apparels and accessories and accompaniments which will help you in doing your daily yoga exercises and for the spiritual side ie meditation we have yoga meditation cushions also referred to  as “zafu cushions”. There are various types of  zafu cushions which will help you in doing various asanas. For eg. The crescent zafu is best suited for doing the lotus …………….

Remember for exercise wear comfortable, stretchable and fitting clothes, so that there is no hindrance while doing the various exercises and asanas.

For your meditation use loose fitting clothes and also choose a comfortable seat / cushion so that your mind is not distracted by any discomfort.